
Cheat Sheet

command arguments description
? [script] Runs the specified script.
version - Displays the version information.
new [name] Can specify rules to manage the values of corresponding messages.
push - Push project to repository.
pull - Pull project from repository.
set [group-name|pkg-name] [message-name] [value] Set values in the pkg server.
get [group-name|pkg-name] [message-name] Get values from the pkg server.
build [--path <project-path>] [--o <output package-name>] Build package
init [pkg-name] Initializes the Package.
event [pkg-name] Displays a events.
view [group-name|pkg-name] [--message|--history] [name|args|arguments] detail view.
run [name] Runs the pkg server based on the specified repository.
ls [repo]|[pkg]|[tcp]|[comm] Displays the specified items in a list.

[new] [name]


[view] [name]

[push] [name] [value]

[pop] [name]

Create new queue.

Displays queue list.

Displays queue items.

Push a item to queue.

Pop a item from queue.


[new] [name]


[view] [name]

[push] [name] [value]

[pop] [name]

Create new stack.

Displays stack list.

Displays stack items.

Push a item to stack.

Pop a item from stack.


[new] [name]


[view] [name]

[set] [name] [key] [value]

[get] [name] [key]

Create new storage.

Displays storage list.

Displays storage items.

Push a item to storage.

Pop a item from storage.


[new] [name]


[view] [name]

[add] [name] [value]

[insert] [name] [index] [value]

[remove] [name] [index] [value]

Create new list.

Displays a lists.

Displays list items.

Add a item.

Insert a item.

Remove a item.

kill [kill-code] Shutdown pkg server.

[load] [flow-key]

[init] [flow-key]

[remove] [flow-key]

[event] [flow-key]

Loads the Flow resource into the currently running pkg server.

Initializes the Flow resource.

Remove Flow resource

Displays a events from the Flow resource.

env - Displays the system environment settings.
help - .


port push

port pull


The application runs based on the values stored in the repository. The push action must precede the application startup. Subsequently, users can perform a pull action at any desired moment to restore the repository.


port run [repository-name]

port shutdown


port set [group] [message] [value]

port set groupA sayHelloMessage1 Hello?

port get [group] [message]

port get groupA sayHelloMessage1